Online Dating Vocab and Acronyms 101

Bae: to like something or perhaps a significant other. Or literally, you can say "I like coffee" or "coffee is my bae"...or maybe the guy that changes your oil is your "car bae".  breadcrumbing: stringing someone along with flirty texts. This happens a lot. So I've heard.  catfishing: when an...

Kids Need New Rituals for Stability After Divorce

A vast majority of us feel like our entire life has been uprooted (emotionally and physically) following a divorce.  New career...home... and hairstyle? You might even be watching completely new Neftlix shows now that your'e sleeping single.  This high degree of change causes incredible stress and it's no surprise that all the "newness"...

Save the Drama for your Divorce Coach

You can ask any family law attorney in any state and they will probably agree on one thing regarding divorce: The judge doesn't care a flying fig (fig?) about your personal drama. Unless you have gone through a divorce this might be surprising- and it certainly seems unfair. But the more you...

What’s Up With the Prenup?

**We are not attorneys but the information in this article is widely available on each state website, in addition to many standard attorney websites.** As divorce has become more mainstream and less of a Scarlet Letter, people have realized why Kanye sang "we want prenup! We want prenup!". Unlike his song, the...

WHY a Divorce Agency?

When I decided to start this journey in the Divorce industry and began my certification training, the biggest question posed to all of us was “What is your why?”  Divorce is not necessarily a fun industry to be working in day and night.  I’m not going to lie, there are...